Empires update release date guessing thread

5-10 exotic charts depending on how close the guess is

october -4

Sooo like September 27th?

Uh… U can’t trade charts :skull:

Bitch i mean enchant charts

When and where


I say it’s going to release the same day Dark Sea released.

september 28th

Im guessing early to mid October, we are getting this from the guy whi thought hed get the entire nimbus sea and start of the vimir sea out by the end of the year

My initial guess was in 2 days from now, so I’ll give it a solid 22nd.

It will come out when the new gta comes out

31st October 2025

Add me to the September 27th list


@Dudeman u know what to do buddy

(@motahbhaia this is ur ao forums initiation. Prepare :fr:)

1st of October.

September 28th as others have said

September 29th