Epic necrobump

I’ll never recover, I’ve been portrayed as the soyjak

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1 minute necrobump (made the moderators angry) (vetex hivemind persecutes me) (started world war 3)

pay me a million and we’ll settle on absent father
you can always use a spare


Aren’t alts already illegal?


like before this

Idk if you’re talking about this but this rule has been enforced for months, just got added to the rules recently

hey frosty I have a fun game for you.

so the truth is…


I have an alt…


a really… REALLY LONG TIME AGO, probably early 2021, I made an account before I made this one.

I basically call this one my main and the other my alt because I never used that one. (mainly cuz I forgot my password)

it had a mario pfp.

anyways, do you think you can find my alt and suspend it? fun minigame

sure ig?

okay have fun lol

I don’t see anything bruh gimme the alt :niceman:

U aint gonna get banned

whew thank the heavens

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Cryo is lying
Having an alt gets you banned with 3 points

Alt Among Us

01100101 01110000 01101001 01100011 00100000 01101110 01100101 01100011 01110010 01101111 01100010 01110101 01101101 01110000



RB1 moment

now this is a real NECROBUMP