Explaining the Newgen Edition AO Forum Iceberg


you’ll regret finishing it after you’re done with The Final.
trust me, I did.
not cause it was bad or anything but cause I’ll miss it.

im already regretting getting as far as i did in such a short time since ive only started the ss arc last week. im mentally preparing myself for the emptyness to come once i finish it

an hour long argument of me explaining why what he said was stupid causing him to respond with something even more stupid
i kind of started the argument with this

as someone who drew the discord logo for that tourney, I can say with undeniable proof that the Elment is

I’m sorry that Super Noob Adventures was abandoned. I’ve just found better things to do than spend the whole day making goofy ass pictures in Roblox Studio.

Pretty cool it got featured on an iceberg though.


explain this one now

Sorry mate, no can do.
I do explains on Forum Icebergs, not Arcane Icebergs.
I don’t even remember half of what i played in AA


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