..extremely rare bounty hunter W

there can be lenient bounty hunters who only hunt specific people

i just got into hunting and i ignore people doing cargo runs and whatnot but anyone standing there i jump at them immediately

also 80 agil is fun

:pray: thank you

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no he has 800k i think but idrk

hes not a rookie

100000 fame but still hesitates?

strong enough to have it all, weak to take it!


I remember running into a bounty player who I thought would gank me on the spot, but instead said he ā€œfelt badā€ and gave me an offer of me allowing myself to be bounty hunted by him in exchange of galleons. He asked by twice by the way
(no I did not take a screenshot)

ah a businessman. did you decline the exchange? also how many galleons did he offer lol?

He offered 200 for the first kill, and I asked for 250 on the second kill. In retrospect I probably made him pay way too much

Maple do something, I lost 100k+ bounty because of 2 bounty hunters one day, the last hunt was a duel, so technically my fault (Blulava, if you read this, gg), the first one was a cargo loading jump and the second one was a fucking spawnkill, like make something that prevents you from being hunted when you leave the silverhold!

i usually hunt either highest renown or whoever is nearest to me

forcefields should last longer probably idk

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i got it wrong im in a server with him rn he has 200k fame

(my brain stopped working help me)

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That wouldnā€™t solve the problem, a spawnkiller could just wait for it to dissappear and gank you again when you stop paying enough attention. Vetex should make players that just left silverhold/got executed, unable to be hunted, like you know, 5 mins of unability to grab their poster.

Right now, the interaction between PvE and PvP players is like herbivore-carnivore interaction. In nature, herbivores usually have some sorts of defences against carnivores, but in AO, PvEā€™rs have little to no chances against a PvPā€™er in a fight scenario. Vetex should add some sort of protection against bounty hunting abuse against players that have simply chose a different way of playing.

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this would just fit in with my thinking of simply make the hunt cd for the player instead of the hunter

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