Fabulous Forum Finds

I remember almost all if not all of these somehow

Thanks, it’s a wiki now :+1:

I could add something here, but I wouldn’t want it to be an advert.

ahhh this remind i havent change my pfp in nearly a year lmao

Go for it :slight_smile:
Wouldn’t hurt

Ok went digging and found the very first forums users thread on the forums? I think

By god… @RayhanahyaR You absolute mad lad creating both Arcane Log and Project Pain

Read 13K read, only 7k more to go :pensive:

this post will be preserved in history

you can go and ask Dinovachi, pretty sure hes read most of the posts on this forum at once point

Yeah, I want to catch up to div and unit vector one day, they’ve read like 20k+ posts on the forums if I remember right from their profiles

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I’ve found a time capsule of threads that I now how to look for:

would’ve like to keep doing them
if only I still had motivation in this game :frpensive:

project pain ao (by maplestorm)

but not as much pain

Whoop, reached 40 edits on the main post .3.

I see these get added but not mine even though I pioneered tierlists (FAXUAL!) and neither of my very formal and professional-level of organization tournaments were on here (or giveaway)…I see how it is…ignoring the efforts of the black man again huh…


But I thought everyone knew about the tournaments already :melting_face:

oh no I understand I get it you just don’t like my skin colour thats fine I get how it is you know being racist and all thats fine…I’m aware you are not appreciative of my complexion…very understandable…racism strikes again…


Ok I have been bullied into putting the bronze conquest tournament on there :frcryin:
(Is joke, ok)

Reached 14k read, going to “100%” categories one by one starting with #game-discussion:exploring and #trusted-lads

There are so many treasure chart threads in #game-discussion:exploring

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Seeing someone else attempt to devour the forums, reminds me a lot of myself from back in the day all those years ago… (2022)