Fabulous Forum Finds

Just updated and added some more finds, the counter has now surpassed 200!! What amazing topics yall have all made :]

(Also free of June 2020 trades so)

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I still find it so funny that the game just kills you if it deems your choice of pants to be bad.
It truly is an Arcane Odyssey

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so what was i linked here for? found the notification


why was I @ here again…

Wish the forums would show you what you were quoted on specifically, but you were summoned here for the legend of 2 brian

Oh ok thanks Bio

(I think I may have spent a lil too much time reading on the forums but-)

I am coming for you @Divanochi and @UnitVector
and @JTN :3


Oh hey you went past me, nice.


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It’s been a good run :>

You’ve still got me beat in terms of read time though, having read 50 days worth of the forums, Or about 1,200 hours, or 72000 minutes :pensive:

Hasn’t anyone ever told you not to kick a sleeping giant?


Seems I have some work to do



Div is alive!!!
Welcome back :D!

There’s nothing like a giant threat chasing me to get me going >:]

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We’re saved. We’re finally saved. It’s been too long.


Last post is half a year ago, never thought we’d get to this

Oh hey, did you remember to quote today?

This is but a small taste of what thhis place offers

(Forums Quotables still exists)

Also added 11 more finds :+1:
This thing takes longer and longer to save everytime and I’m afraid one day I will just break the forums with how many links I have embedded

download (8)

That’s a lot.
Still in June?

Yes… Still in june

I can see the light at the end of the tunnel though, July is on the horizon