Face Reveals & Jungle Post

Quarantine made me get into exercise and I’m looking much better than about 6 months ago

Same, but I’m more mentally scarred now

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Bro what did you do, self torture?

One word, one forum user, NEKOSAIKOU

pretty much my state in this quarantine and third lockdown for my country WOOHOOO, but yeah, hangout with a few of my friends eating lunch and do funny and wonky shits


Oh since everyone is talking about what quarantine does. I just workout or do some sport a bit more. Do some cooking and play some games more often.

Whenever I think of a face reveal, I always think back to this character from Star vs. The Forces of Evil. It’s mainly because she tried to steal Star’s face but idk random thought.

Quarantine made me prank call my dad more often… and not be able to do my full-time job… I only have my part-time job rn :frcryin:

face reveal but only with mask on (@Alv @anon64436269 )

I am your average Chinese-looking girl :3 (which sucks 'cause I don’t speak any Chinese REEEEEEE)


i knew u were a qt

sksksksksk o k a y (i still don believe you cuh)

words i speak are truth

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quarantine dissolved my physical form. I am now sand

make i can play during class lol

i am shook

also what

I’m going to now talk about the reason face reveals make people feel uncomfortable and why that isn’t necessarily bad.
Firstly, it’s uncomfortable for the person doing the reveal, as it feels like shedding off a layer of protection, like lowering one’s shield, so that it feels like one can no longer hide behind a little icon on a screen.
It makes others uncomfortable because it forces them to recognize that the person they’re talking to is a real, living, human being just like them, and that they have to treat the other person as such. It makes it harder to pretend that they’re just little icons on screens, and what’s more, it changes one’s own perception of that person.
This isn’t necessarily good or bad, but it’s just something interesting about human nature.

In other news all I did during quarantine was write a lot, do the absolute minimum amount of schoolwork possible, play video games, and figure out the meaning of the universe and existence itself.


You are now the only being in the universe capable of defeating Anakin Skywalker.

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I look Chinese af ('cause I am) but that leads to people mistaking that I speak Chinese when I don’t

你好她会说中文吗?我有中文名字。我也是中国人哈哈哈。Another Chinese person like me who can probably barely speak Chinese. But I have basic knowledge on it. The tones are difficult as hell for me.

Hello, something about China, something about Chinese, maybe something about being Chinese.

Lol, I can’t read hana only pinyin