Close second
Anime usually has some pretty funny results when you pause at just the right moment, Dragon Ball being a prime example. (i will provide my 3 favorites)
Gogeta got a little too smug
the consequence of The Thumb Pose™
Resisting the urge to comment on the last one
Is Goku giving Freiza insanely good head, or is he biting it?
we will never know
Battlestar Galactica Miniseries - Cmdr. William Adama reacts to Capt. Lee Adama disregarding his order
not a frame, but a manga panel. or three, actually.
(This is a complete sentence, Vetex)
okay follow up now that I’ve finished Enie’s Lobby (i’m on Thriller Bark currently but saw this pop up and remembered it)
Enies Lobby is by far my favorite arc in ANY MEDIA EVER, and i KNOW One Piece is just gonna get better, but this scene hit like a truck.
From the cuts to the crew, to Robin’s remeberance of Ohara, it was just PERFECT (besides the, like, 5 recap episodes covering the backstories of the Straw Hats and around 3 fever-dreamish Edo-era Filler Episodes that I watched)
Enies Lobby was beautiful, and this scene really cut it out for me.
I was unfortunately spoiled about this scene beforehand, and it still hit. I wish I could go back and experience One Piece without prior knowledge because I know this scene would have broke me.
(still love those panels though)