Favorite Ice Cream Flavor and Something Personal About Ourselves



:eye: :eye:

I do not see why this would be a downside


Because AO will be awesome.

im still doodling morden daily in private

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Strawberry, mint, or vanilla bean, not sure which one

Won a claw machine twice in a row once :frhigh:. Don’t know, that’s always my go-to for saying a fact about myself even though surely more exciting things have happened to me.

Dark Chocolate

Probably some type of sorbet
I like arguing but get really pissed off when someone starts with me

Rocky Road
I act like I hate drama but it attracts me



I overthink

Vanilla, Vanilla is such a bland flavor but I like it cause simple yummie :slight_smile:
sometimes I think my opinion on foods would be completely different if I wasn’t such a picky eater

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play dough (blue moon + colored cookie dough)

i’ve had a history of attaching strongly to people and abandoning them due to certain issues but i think i’ve gotten over it with som help of my current boyfriend


I enjoy things way more then I thought I would have so I am always hesitant to do certain things



I live in earth

one of these topics where people fish for social security numbers

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I am a raging hypocrite :grinning: