Favorite kill?

My favourite kill was when my rival goodwin killed Key in a 1v1

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Dawg I wasn’t even trying to when I made them, I just thought when making this post that these clips I had would be fine for basic examples of what I’m looking for, which they are.

I don’t know why you’re taking so much issue with it, but if you’d like you could do what the post actually asks, which I’m sure would look great given your standards.

That sounds pretty funny

Speaking of rivals… Killing any 260 leveled rival is always satisfying! Esecpially if theyre something stupid

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Finally beating those gun wielding, 5k health having freaks is very satisfying

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read this


Damn that shits crazy

that one time i managed to beat raptorcaptain :grin:
i asked for tips after and he called me too good to be asking for tips he gave me one anyway lol


My favorite kill was killing two metamancers 1v2 on a light mage file (Before surge was even released)

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Don’t know who that is but I’m sure that was very impressive

i’m pretty sure he held #1 pvper in all regions in the sea league at one point so yeah he’s up there

Very cool

he certainly could have been a little less rude about it lmao

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Most of my player kills are from people resetting on my wind mage slot after I blast them straight up so high they don’t have the patience to just fall

there was this guy attacking me on cirrus island while i was looking something up and he then dashed off of the island and combat logged. i guess that was a kill?

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I remember hunting this savior and they sailed into the dark sea to try and avoid me and you know what they did next when I was near them? They legit reset character. Why??? I got the renown.

I think now is as good as time as any to bring back this death message

This too actually, I should probably get another file to fill the entire screen with revon death messages.

In terms of player kills, it would be one back in WoM where I killed someone in a 1v1 without getting hit in front of a small group of people. Then I never managed to do that ever again.

Sharks :]

I still remember the time I got attacked by three Gravy players and got all of them off me somehow. It was definitely a fluke, since I’m still stuck riding that high until I get something better.