Favorite off meta magic

Meta means kind of the best (I think that’s what it is), which shadow is

And a lot of people use shadow :frcryin:

Damn edge lords
@Cryothefirstedgylord this means you also

I am edgier than a chainsaw with shurikens on the chain.



I’ve always felt differently about Wood magic. You would be better off with something like Water but the way it feels to use is smooth. Probably the cube shape combined with the sfx and speed give it a very robust and solid feeling.

Earth straight up just feels like you’re crushing skulls when you use it. Brutal crushing sounds and a powerful appearance.

Explosion is slightly worse Water but considering that it’s not often called “meta” it’s worth mentioning. Combat viabilty, massive size, and the abilty to turn the battlefield into just a nuclear warzone makes Explosion fun to use.

Same applies to Acid, not really considered meta but good anyways. Well-rounded plus satisfying sfx with a signature bright green.

Metal with high size will be the most brutal-looking thing in the game to see coming at you, even if you can just dodge.

Magma is always scary.

I guess Lightning is cool for its material interactions and visuals. The sounds kinda get annoyingly repetitive but they give it a powerful feeling.


??? ??? ??? ???

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Oooo that’s a good point! But unfortunately that means I will never use it due to meta allergies

Kaboom magic


At least as it stands now I’d say meta magics are ones that stand well on their own. That’s fairly vague but honestly to me it’s the best we’ve got until a meta with a larger pool of options emerges

Meta started off as an acronym standing for “most effective tactics available”. Right now, the most effective tactics available to succeed in WoM PvP are using Shadow, using Wind, or using Water.

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wood best off meta magic

dnc explosion goated

Haha Structure Go Boooooom

fr? Damn, ive barely seen any when i played lmao

Magma and glass, but then betex nerfed it :pensive:

How the hell do you guys see people use shadow. When I played WOM nobody used it lmao

If you hope then you better believe it

Since we removed the 3 that are usually considered meta (wind, shadow, water), we can make a poll containing all of the others

  • Acid
  • Fire
  • Earth
  • Ice
  • Lightning
  • Magma
  • Wood
  • Light
  • Iron
  • Paper
  • Poison
  • Gold
  • Plasma
  • Sand
  • Glass
  • Crystal
  • Snow
  • Explosion
  • Ash

0 voters

less goo

acid supremacy

wood is the best magic

it looks cool, most people don’t use it giving it bonus novelty value,
decent size/speed, god tier interactions