slap + battery perk thing is fun
cringe slap user
slap slap
can’t wait til I Boo you and you go flying out of sheer shock of a skill being funnier than yours
Stealth Mine. Cause being a dick to other people is funny.
Though sometimes I really like going at mach 4 when using Speedrunner Perk and Super Dash.
its either the flinging people thing or the flinging people thing
Random and Random.
I am a menace who enjoys the skill that lets you make spikes everywhere
Isn’t the real menace using wings with smack and just appearing on someone’s screen for 0.5 seconds?
smack is dumb
gets countered by my main setup
fling + sturdy (or whatever the anti ragdoll ability is)
glitch bomb my beloved
Glitch bomb was funny for me at first
Then it’s consistency annoyed me and I dropped it
the hardest part is hitting it usually, and when you get nuke on a hardcore player, that’s peak comedy
helikopter helikopter
Movement: Super Dash
Offense: Piano Drop
“Defensive” Offense: Boo + Smack
Defense: Heart Flower (used to be Drumsticks but it’s self heal was nerfed) + Disarm
Overall: Magic Dice
god i miss boo bypassing anti-pvp
chad boo user
nah man real men use the dice