Art posts usually focus on the art being presented, whereas art threads are more focused on the person who makes the art.
Okay, so you think art posts and art threads are different when in actuality they’re quite literally the same in nature, this is why they’re called “art threads” they consist of many different art/doodles posted by the artist.
Now about the “focused more on the person who makes the art” what are you suggesting by this? Aren’t all art an expression of yourself and therefore ALSO focuses on the person who makes art, I do not understand how you got the notion of them being attention seeking, they’re just sharing what they made and are no different than any content creators.
I don’t get why you differentiate them like this when they’re the essentially the same thing, but whatever say what you will I’m practically derailing the topic here.
My favorite doodle threads are (obviously) yours, Ruby’s, and Stellariixx’s threads.
- Your prince doodles (Neviro, Revlon, Vincenzo, and Romulus) are both hilarious, priceless, and above all else, entertaining. You’re the one who humanized Revlon even in the face of Revlon slander.
- Ruby puts more focus on the AO Gang and Edward, as well as other Forum artists, all of which are adorable and have their own charms. The Edward X Ruby (MC) are also the most wholesome sights to be beholden regardless if you’re also into Edward or not.
- Stellariixx’s Noelle and Revlon drawings… That shit melts my heart every single time, I ain’t kidding, the way she draws Revlon makes me wanna kick my feet and squeal, she too is also a Revlon humanizer (apart from her latest meme drawings of Revlon…).
This just gave me an unusual feeling but like in a good way… it’s kind of rewarding to feel like a pioneer of something, even if it’s just exploring a character from a silly little Roblox game. To break some ground, in a way.
But I can’t exactly say I was the only one. You, AMoonlightSonata and a whole lotta people from the discord art hub also saw the potential in him. Probably even more people! But I guess you could say we were indeed the first (known) Revlon apologists
GRAHGRHRGR i’m glad you actually enjoy the doodles
Revon apologist gang
AWWW THANKS (i will finally get back to drawing this weekend when the update is out)
And of course, my favorite is probably Ruby’s. Its the first i found, its the only one i check often.