Femtex uh yeah

In all technicality, still is, but I do agree with the latter half of what you said.

i wonder why… loli’s epic

Actually, no. Hell no.
I’ve just seen people around 17 who are short, so… Just a moment of being a witness.

:poggers2:Femtex has returned to us :flushed: :poggerfish:

bruh i wish i had something to draw on

you could draw on paper, its not that bad

the only thing that makes it a loli is the fact that you called it one

this, in fact, is what you classify as “very fucking well made”

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idk, loli?

imagine not being 17 and short

Please never come to the forums again

cri :frcryin:

yeah i got what you mean, it was my bad :sweat_smile: no needing to fix it but i’ll take notes of that thanks

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theres something cursed on this image and i dont know what is

definitely not traptex thats not it, no

ok thats enough cursed
the story repeats


screams of the unholy

This just occurred to me but is this a male or female?

Femtex started as basically just Vetex as a femboy but this is a “loli”. Lolis are specifically female (shotas are the male variant) but Femtex (femboy vetex) is a male…

Confusion. In my headcanon they’re kind of like Hange from attack on titan with no confirmed gender.



It’s good art but I think this might be too far
why is this allowed