Fighting Styles appreciation thread

bro it’s not like that i just want to fight good people

ive obtained the power of sandlock


Iron leg Earth would do more dmg it seems

I don’t like running the same element on multiple files. Earth is my main, so unless I ever reset it to a Warlock file I probably won’t be running it myself.

Good to know there’s another earth user

We are few but we are strong. :pray:

Warlord or Warlock in your opinion?

warlock imo

stat distribution?

Anybody got light warlock clips? Any are cool but light boxing would be wicked

Warlock is more fun, but Warlord is better in the current meta. Thermo Fist Warlord has gross DPS, insane mobility, and you don’t really have to aim at all.

I’d do 130s 120m, fighting style rushdown is more reliable then snare

Only thing you can do is play it conservatively ngl

100 Magic 150 Strength is the way I go. Focus > Snare

yeah this is better

My type of guy, good shit



u play fs like a mage , not in the mood to fight that rn specially not on my paladin


my ign is not OmenHelpMe