Fire Mage Build Advice

I want to make this build as well maybe sometime down the line thoe, i saw a lb player use it (before renown bug/exploit) and i thought it was really cool.

I’m ngl 292 defense with 3 drawback is super sketchy :sob:

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I’m not sure if I did something wrong, but I’m only getting 206 power using this build.

send ss

yeh its not a ez build to use but i mean doing over 1k damage ult hit gives a crazy advantage in hunts

those are calvus boots?

also both arc pieces have to be fire not magma
somehow u have more size and less power than u should
this build isn’t bad those but if u want more power r polly using a magma arc instead of fire

Both are fire arcmancer pieces, and those are indeed Calvus boots. I’m wondering if the build tracker was updated to the new fire arcanium stats, which are purely power, not size + power.

fire isnt purely power anymore?|

if it is the case I think the build still works try power stacking and see how much u can do with ult blast.

its only purely power next update

For ult blast, what would you suggest? I’m coming from a background of no PvP experience, so I’m definitely lacking in knowledge of what is commonly used.

I would use drill for damage
Double beam for dmg
Double placed explosion for more dmg with hammer shape

Are using this build for casual 1v1’s or hunting?

its a victim build iwl
please stop making builds and go play the game more or smth :sob::pray:

Even with that much, fire will NOT be doing over 1k

Get rid of all the modifiers

1v1s, Hunting and defending clan islands.

I got the build from a leader board player who was racking up feats with it :person_shrugging:

If you want to play to fire’s best strengths its power stacking, and its best in hunting situations where u can corner people or catch them off gaurd.

If you want an op mage build for casual 1v1’s i would go light, fire isnt super competitive in the pvp scene at the moment there are too many better options.

If u use blast ult and power stack you can get over 1k ez with 200+ power

power stacking is being nerfed next update tho