First One To Answer The Question Correctly Wins 500K Galleons | Part 24

orsage (37 color variants), Floral Blossom (37 color variants), Rosey Blossom (37 color variants), Silver Studded Band (37 color variants), Gold Studded Band (37 color variants), Spiked Bracelet, Sorcerer Spectacles

Boat ram

There’s no way I’m the only one who noticed it fr.


Orange, as in the fruit :sob::sob:?

Letter P

Are we allowed to form guessing game alliances?
Anyone wanna split cash if either of us win

i mean b

Yeah ngl, as long as I see that there’s an agreement between the users then yeah.

a Potion

Whom wants to team :smiling_imp:

I’m up for one :sob:

But are you guys sure you wanna do that? You’ll get less money since it’s split into your teammates…

And considering the answer is easy too…

we already named everything. Another hint pls. Its been an hour already

We split it 40/60
Whoever guessed it gets the 60


A lamp


Nuh uh, ngl I guess this is a little bit of experience on what the final question would be. Seeing how no one has immediately answered it.

Yeah but then it’s a smaller chance of getting nothing at all. Works both ways