First One To Answer The Question Correctly Wins 5Mil Galleons | Final Part

according to google
In Greek mythology, Mount Pelion (which took its name from the mythical king Peleus, father of Achilles)

it’s underwater maze island…

what if the real treasure was the friends we made along the way

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i mean, yeah, it has a Cursebeard statue, but then what about the lines?

hear me out chat hear me out this time i swear chat hear me ou

its gotta be either the sight or chaos


guys what if it isnt even an island

I haven’t checked this in a while but it hasn’t been solved yet.
Did anyone actually put any thought into the fact that some lines have spikes on the end? (although it may not be relevant who knows)

Wait, Radius Island is related to Freedrock right? That’s not off the table.

I swear im not going to sleep because of this-

probably a red herring, probably not. who knows at this point

whats the difference between a freed rock and a more rock?

trust me guys its

Small enough details could be at this point

its all about rocks man
earth magic has those lines near the centre
the lines

i dont see any spikes

there are spikes look closely

keep in mind butter stopped reacting

I tried this format again, but with the rest of the seas.

(not to scale)