First One To Answer The Question Correctly Wins 5Mil Galleons | Final Part

The more I think about it, the less sense it makes.

what can we rule out? what is everything that we know?

are we looking for a location, an item, or something else entirely?

Is the answer magic or (what I mostly think) sea curses?
(Btw if this is right, split the reward equally with everyone here, I’ll be taking 3 Prothemeus acrimony though)

I feel that this was the letter given to Pandora in the box, telling all the pain and curses, the player in AO has been cursed as they are also a descendant from Zeus, maybe the lines could implicate that boundraries the player must cross to getting their goal, and maybe the huge circle could implicate that the curse given to people caused great tragedy which is the epicenter, the source of where Durza hit the mountain making a huge explosion and wiping ouut 80% of the human population…

I thank you for giving me an education bread man
I can feel my intelligence get better with every second of this fucking horrific treasure chart

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we know nothing :fr:

no clue

can’t i technically just list off every single item and island in the game and eventually get it right

If it even is an item or island

Is it the Blackreach? Or to be more exact - that one place near the pond, where you find a note that leads to the grassy part with a chest beneath?

Or as another variant - The lone grave at the Palo town with another chest beneath.

The Abyss of Charon also looks similar in some way, if we pick those lines as a path instead of barrier.

Something something Pelion rift

I have an idea.

Pelion rift represents two of the strange walls. The circle represents the stepstones. The last wall is represented as mount oryths.

Therefore, we are looking for a tiny thing in the entire bronze sea.

Damn wild take, but is it the Stepstones secret? It’s slightly box-like, and the arrow points down from the only way out of it.

The gate? Someone guessed the portal already

No, not the gate. I’m talking about the part with a floor you can destroy for some chests.

Completely disregards the pandora part, but it’s what I thought of.

What would the point of the circle be, though?

He mentioned that this was not something we could guess on accident. We need to actually take details into account.

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(Complete sentence)

I think Pandora’s Box refers to the “Player”

The treasure chart seems to points towards munera garden, lol

Oh, I think its the island where you fought Shura. I think it is called the southern jaw.

The red marking on the middle represents this place😭