Fishdog heap of cringey sketches and drawing hell-pit

She tried to kill him

YAAA best couple in existence!!!

I mean the song yeah, but the fishy story, uhh Iā€™m still working on it.

Long story short, my puny butt literally made a pencil sketch of all the funny images I founded At Pinterest, right?

And here I was, just thinking pure nonsense, until I had an idea. Hey! Why not turn some of these dirty into digital art?

So I did!

Although these two are the easiest, I still have some other three to finish, and some are going be quite a challenge for me since Iā€™m not really that good with digital art to say the least.


Almost all of the random images I drew.





I need that dog

That dog is just like me, frfr.

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My best oneā€¦


Overall, this little shenanigans I just did was basically me trying to find a certain art style, but after mixing some of my older one and looking at references for my favorite artist, ahem Opaline/The Blue Fish. I think I have cooked something decent.

(Oh yeah incase youā€™re curious about the artist I like, here, have this link.)Fishy


The dog for the win :speaking_head::speaking_head::speaking_head:


Cough cough cough

Although some people are talking about their idea and all just to make their point a bit clearer, I have decided to join the bandwagon, (but lately since I canā€™t write good whack at all), so may I present you a horrible made story-ISH boards of how my story will work.

So you may wonder, Fishdog? What have you been smoking? My response, nothing my good lad, my brain is like this.

So for my idea, not great and all, Iā€™m settle for three stories this chaotic AO adventure, the main story, side story a, and side story b, each of these have their main role.

The main story: you know, the classical yet messy story writing of AO main game line, but instead of being a direct copy to it, since that is absolutely boring, I will instead add a bit of spice to it just to uhh, make it entertaining to say the least. It will follow my second file I made, Amos Rare, as he does your classical hero whack, but Iā€™m going give the lad some morality problems and struggle for himself later on, since it does make a bit of sense that your trying to stop a war from happening and also the fact that your trying to STOP AN ILLEGAL ORGANIZATION WITH ONLY A FEW PEOPLE, WHAT?! (Oh yeah, Iā€™m making him a complete loner, because he doesnā€™t trust his friends but we ainā€™t going talk about that-)

Side-story Ain the right, we have an random image of Edward since I canā€™t draw everyone favorite quartermaster, (boo-hoo), but here the catch, instead of being a quartermaster, What if he was a captain?, Iā€™m not sure how it will start, but maybe he was like, ā€œdang bro, I wanna have an adventure, frfr.ā€ AND HE DID! Along his chaotic ways, he met his crew and yadada- but that will sound boring, so maybe in the first ark, it starts off with him starting with dumb little journey, but later on Edward try to stop the grand gravy,(with his 5 crewmate). Or exposed, maybe saying exposed sounds better to say the leastā€¦ but, maybe as a cool character progression, each of the crew slowly face their problems until itā€™s get to Edward who must reface his disturbing past and settle it once more before it overtake him. (Dang bro, that sounded really cringey-)

Side story b In this side story,(the one in the left), uhh Revon became a depressed man and starts a friendship between a random person right as his kingdom is in dire need. Maybe later on, Revon slowly become mentally better and was about to rule his kingdom and ABOUT TO GET HIS REVENGE ON THAT AMOS RARE!- But then something really bad happen to a point where people believe Revon to be ā€œdeadā€ (although he is NOT dead), as his dear friend,(not Naverivo or whatever his dang name) or someone else is said to be the one to murder your poor lad, but no, it just Calvus wife who made that lie, because she hate Revon, so the two idiots go on a chaotic adventure as they must hide their identity and not get caught right, the two meet new friends for the party, Revon learn to move on AND GET A WORKOUT MONTAGES-, right? But (just to add mystery to my mess), is Revon dear friendā€¦ really a human? WHO CARE-

Right? After reading my 11pm chaotic writing, you may be wondering aside from me smoking that Zaza, Fishstick what are you trying to explain?! You see, in a unique yet horrible way, I wanna make it that without the characters knowing the other shenanigans that is going on, they are somehow helping each other process or move on to their progress, they are helping each other without even knowing each other at all! For my idea, I wanna make it that each idea or something that some of the characters from the different storylines, weā€™re able to help the other characters as well, I wish I could explain it to you more better, but since my writing is horrible, I really canā€™t. But hey! Youā€™re just watching a idiot talk to herself!



Fishy swim whack, WIP.


Man I sure love drawing anything but AO!!

(Naw, donā€™t worry, I might draw an entire sketch of Revon based around memes I found on Pinterest).

Like this one.





Look at them big ears :star_struck:

Heā€¦ heā€™s perfect.


Broā€¦ that the power of friendship eh?

Coughs aggressively

So long story short, I was playing around with some pens that will work well as the outline, since I usually hate my outline whenever Iā€™m drawing, and I found this funky pen, ā€œGenius Penā€ and it reminded me of how my pen look whenever Iā€™m drawing on my sketch book, so I decided to draw something, and I made this.

I think I was having a bit too much fun with experimenting with stuff.

Oh yeah here the inspiration of the art.


Yeah, that paper craft I did is mine tooā€¦ so uhh yeah??


I always loved to use the genius pen. I really liked to use them for the lineart since I always go for a slightly messy style. I tweak the stability to 4 and it feels just right! :laughing: (tho I kinda start shifting to digital pen now. I started to get frustrated with the genius pen for some reasonā€“

Yoo?? Wth?? That looks so cool. I could never :sob: