Flare: Alchemist's Journey's Beginning

That’s luck aura potion

I want luck parties

the cauldrons themselves is concerning
you know i’ll do them solo because it’s getting too expensive gg…

You need to praise the potions of apothecary

both luck and healing’s colors look similar :smiling_face_with_tear:

What are 5 gilded supernova potions should I make?
Give me five different potions

tbh I wanna make a suggestion for a potion-only weapon yep…
I wanna make throwable potions the fatum W.

and I know one weapon that can do that
Ussop’s Kabuto :3

Here me out here me out, this is cooking big time.
Imagine a slingshot that works similar to the bow but requires ammo that being the potions and still having the potions effect to it.

Stats actually work with the potions and would do this:

Power - Only increases the damage of the glass-potion since potions actually do two types of damage, bottle damage and the potion effect damage.

Bursting - Increases the hitbox of the potions and the overall size

Attack speed - Increases the speed and decreases end-lag and windup since potions suffer so much from it.

Intesnity - Increases the effectiveness of potions on exception of something like insanity but something like fire-potion would become stronger

Just like ussops weapon, it’s basically a slingshot that shoots out potions but requires ammo like WoM bow needed, the only difference about this is well is that this weapon as weight

The weight to it works something like this, if you wanna sling-shot a super-nova it takes quite some time for it to be shot to the weight of it and can only be shot-faster if you have certain attack speed on your build

However small potions can be shot easily and as fast as the arrow-bows.
The possible abilities to this new weapon:

The abiltiies are pretty much the same thing as the bow has considering it works like the bow, just that it’ll be a lot more fun to use like using “rain of arrows” copy onto the ocean with tide-potions enabled, causing an intense storm of tsunamis or making one huge one.

Speaking of which to this, it also allows potions to be combined to make a better effect like if you wanna make the tsunamis from the dark seas you could use that rain of arrows like ability onto the potions, the combined amount of potions can make a huge artifical wave.

How much did I cook.
and the class of it is idk because it’s potions, no warrior needs this only knights or something gg.
Slingshot warden weapon omd.

also when vetex gonna add dynamite :3

Anyways this was just a way to make bursting potions better in every way
but if you don’t have a certain amount you can’t use it like rain of arrows on the bow used like 10 arrows, you don’t have 10 bursting potions of it you can’t use
this cuz of luck potion essentia which I just had in my head gg.

This is a call to the Gods of Apotheosis.
praying to vetex to add this to make potions throwable great again :pray:

also I’m only at 200k exp h.

nah he stole my old shadow mage hair (file deleted thankfully)

Rate my alchemist’s ship since I got nothing to post here rn

resistance deckhand lovely

I finna did it…

Too early


Thank you my lord.


Completely irrelevent to the post, when I hosted that “ball thing” game I’ve been thinking if I should just keep updating it more and more for the fun of it

the fact I made like two people in the game think it’s impossible only for sock to win and get riches off it was funny

They really quit gambling…

Anyways I might continously update the game and host it in different forms of it for rewards
the current state was your normal roll-a-ball mountain minigame event, I wanna see if I can make it harder over time while giving some ways to get past the obstacles while still completely making is challenging

the event for the rewards yesterday took four hours long for sock to win.

I rn got a lot more ideas for the game and it’s only just the beginning for that ball game :>
Even though I don’t know any coding nor roblox studio building just one hour of learning and learning from errors made me create this basic epic-games-like game.

What game are you talking about?

game link somewhere in there
I can’'t get it rn grah

Ship completed

I should post everything I got before nimbus sea yep.
in 2 ays or something!!

I’ve got an unholy amount of riches off this journey more than my other files :sob:

just guess what you think I got off these stats
even though nobody explores this topic gg.

114 ships sunk with potions?! Wow, dedication,!

Tbh that’s honestly a stat to ignore considering you can easily get that stat up through ur ship
realistically I got 0 loot from them goofy ships

Darn… FRAUD!!!

Those NPC kills are good thought, what would you say is your favorite potion now?