Flares attempt at trying to get good at drawing while having incredibly low motivation

Oh my fucking god fuck this fuck this fuckt his I ain’t ever drawing a hand again shit gave me immediate nightmares of all the possiblities of messing up



Really like the calves, I would try to make the arms look more like they’re blended properly with how joints work.

Left arm and right arm look like they’re either straight or joined the wrong way, make it so they bend how they normally do.

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The hand should the right one
I used my own arm to draw the arm at where the hand wrist starts
ignore this bump and pit fall looking thing lol that defo not my arm :sob:

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use reference art if you really want to get gud


why was this… posted… publicly…

no… no… no… I can’t join… Im not ready

i am so proud of you, my friend

you will travel far, perhaps farther than i could ever go

keep it going, young one, great things await you

Hey I am reviving from demotivation → motivation!

also I found the art tablet yay!
and I might use that instead of paper cuz I am also lazy to find a piece of paper
and arcane odyssey released and I did like four files max as well sooo :sob:
Idk what to do next other than have fun

I still got like 9 more files to make

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rising from the ashes


its beginning.

emo wolf picture…

you’re going on my KOS… fr…


let him cook first

KOS… fr…

if you want to draw, you should focus on anatomy first by breaking it into simple shapes and shouldn’t add accessories until you’ve finished the body you created

this is my example I made a few minutes ago:

fair and simple shapes like circles, pentagon, rectangle, etc


now put stuff on it like so

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Screenshot 2023-03-11 173943

i want to draw a buff Morden and Iris one day…

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Yeah uh, Idk wtf I tried making it was suppose to be a rock and I got bored :what:

practicing how to use this thing device :DD

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arcane odyssey addiction = flare forgets everything

allso I tried!!!

tiny ah arms… :wires:

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little man axe for little men

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