Flare's Library of Ruina - Library of Ruina: Chapter 5 (With forumers)

floor of history
please try to get me as much of a burn focused build as possible

also there’s this feature called battle symbols that are kinda like ego gifts that you get after a fight if you do something specific, you could try asking for which ones people would like, but that’d take a tiny bit more effort

I personally wouldn’t recommend going out of your way to get battle symbols since their buffs are very minor, though luckily most can just be gotten from playing normally

nice harvest island art desktop

make me discard because 99% of gamblers quit before they make it big

Well everyone else is asking for what build they want so just make me a smoke build

floor of yesod
when you finally unlock singleton

i want a burn build if possible :3

burn gang

I find it fun how I have so many questions now after lobotomy corporation story
and how this game will possibly answer all of them

and my question about PM’ers :sob:

don’t think that unironically happened

If project moon had fanservice this game wouldn’t be as good

I mean, limbus company does, but it’s not the kind people associate with fanservice

something something korea gender war something something a bunch of people went to the pm hq because of this something something vellmori (pm artist) left something something a lot of misinformation spread around something something pm almost got taken over

i wouldn’t mind linking a video that talked about this if you want

what is the video

love it when outside sources see a potential gateway into scamming multiple people into funding a gofundme for vellmori (the money was then snatched and ran away with, never being sent to vellmori)

I tried searching it up and I got hit with some propaganda talking about ishamel and heathcliff in canto VI

it hardly matters anymore since they’re going into court about this bullshit along with them

you must gangnam like i have

skip to around 27:52, you’re free to watch the other parts of the video if you want