Flirt with the person above you - Chaos

ty but urs is better

hey girl are you a burger king because you fucking suck

this isn’t a flirt i fucking hate burger king it’s the most shit mediocre food i’ve ever eaten and i can not comprehend how they are still in business selling of the filtered and pressed dog excrement they call food


kanin’s thighs :mariomug:

spitting fax

are you a toilet because I am going to shit inside of you

no im not processed logan

btw nice ass

keep up the cat girl tail grooming yours looks good

nice cock

this is what happened to mimhere

oh hell nah boy im on yo shit head built like a dell computer with yo stupid ass boy im on yo shit your dumbass probably at home speaking into a fucking walkie talkie with your broke ass boy im on yo shit boy built like the snapchat logo boy im on yo dumbass bitch been listening to rod wave and crying in the corner headass hoe fuck all that boy you built like a toothpick skinny body ass bitch boy im on yo shit bitch built like slenderman with a block head enderman face ass bitch was scared of five nights of freddy at age 13 dumb bitch boy im on yo shit boy built like buggs bunny “wHaTs Up dOc” headass boy got a speech inpediment "I-I-I-I-I w-w-w-w-ould l-love to g-g-go o-o-out w-w-with you headass im on yo shit boy head built like a globe with yo stupid ass boy im on yo shit so ass tryna roast me boy you built like a fucking Flamingo boy im on yo shit bitch head Look like the facetime logo my boy built like a LED light bulb headass boy im on yo shit bitch you look like a magnifying g


you are very cute cursed !

1 Like

I know how to catch, clean, cook, and eat you

can i call you papi

1 Like

only ves can, sorry cutie



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nice ass

Nice ass

I just downvoted your comment.


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There are several reasons I may deem a comment to be unworthy of positive or neutral karma. These include, but are not limited to:

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