Flirt with the person above you - Chaos

but I like kisses :frcryin:


forget :facepunch:


Holy fuck this has descended into utter madness hehe.

We have descend from fucking each other to a God level of making human’s

Fallout 4 synths hehe.

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When you give a robot humanity and start wanting to fuck her new human form

Lets not get too off topic hehe.

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then be nice and no horni!


please teach me eagle language so i can ask you to kiss me~! :tired_face:

yeah this one was bad

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@Meta can you please close this shitshow

:mariomug: why thank you

have a kiss :kiss:

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:heart: yes have a kiss

How is this still going on

Why is this still going on?

Datboii does the æ

wanna do the æ togheter daddy :tired_face: :tired_face:

I thought this post was gonna fail and fall into obscurity after like 20 replies tbh