Forum DnD character ideas (Ash's Forum DnD idea)

added a description.

updated denzel description

explain the hairstyle/skin colour
like is it long, short, frizzy, spikey
are they white, asain, poc, black, or havenā€™t touched the sun in a year

short green hair

idk he pretty tan for skin

spikey or no


alright itā€™s not gonna look really that good but itā€™s mostly done, just gonna do a cool thing like in anime campaign with the magic you have


Spiky messy hair with dark skin.

here is your extremely bad picture, I think I need to work with bigger sizes
extra bad picture
the black lines are too thick for my liking

Very nice


now hold on yall let me at least make eclipseā€™s icon actually bearable to look at

ooh i want one :smiley:

im not a furry bruhhh :sob:

fuck off for now I canā€™t bear looking at that mistake I made let me at least adjust it

heā€™s cute wdym

besides the odd scar over eye thing but stll coolio

I hate it I hate it I hate it

Name: me

gender: opposite of glitching eclipse

build: @GlitchingEclipse destroyer

magic: anti glitching eclipse magic

style: antil eclipse style

weapons: anti glitching eclipse swords

race: ā€œfurryā€

background: he must destroy glitching eclipse

iā€™m sensing a bit of a theme here