Forum Plugins

The following chart:

Loren Reynolds,,king,,dentist,#FFFFFF
Emogene Hintz MD,,dann.quitzon,king,firefighter,#FFFFFF
Adelaida Swaniawski Jr.,,nicol.johnston,dann.quitzon,traffic warden,#FFFFFF
Ismael Stanton,,terrance,dann.quitzon,travel agent,#FFFFFF
Shad Jacobi,,german,nicol.johnston,newsreader,#FFFFFF
Kermit Tromp,,carin,nicol.johnston,lecturer,#FFFFFF
Sierra Huel IV,,dominic.lehner,carin,physicist,#FFFFFF
Anh Spencer,,ignacio.farrell,terrance,statistician,#FFFFFF
Salvatore Weissnat,,keith,ignacio.farrell,journalist,#FFFFFF

Damn intractable too, tis could be useful but at the same time, not sure in how many situations.

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Also will be adding a forum plugin that allows badges to be worn (multiple). As long as we allow that specific badge to be worn.

Requires a reboot and I think yall had enough of that for today.

How will that look like?

paviliondev/discourse-post-badges-plugin (

Post Badges - theme-component - Discourse Meta

I like it, the more ways to flex a badge the better

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Mabye something like this would be cool too?

We can test it on next reboot

Sounds good

Class01 <|-- AveryLongClass : Cool
Class03 *-- Class04
Class05 o-- Class06
Class07 .. Class08
Class09 --> C2 : Where am i?
Class09 --* C3
Class09 --|> Class07
Class07 : equals()
Class07 : Object[] elementData
Class01 : size()
Class01 : int chimp
Class01 : int gorilla
Class08 <--> C2: Cool label
pie showData
    title Key elements in Product X
    "Calcium" : 42.96
    "Potassium" : 50.05
    "Magnesium" : 10.01
    "Iron" :  5


I guess I can keep this component: Discourse Mermaid - theme-component - Discourse Meta

as it doesnt seem to have any issues, if you want to learn how to use it more theres a link in there that shows the syntax of it.

Useful but not useful at the same time

Does not seem relevant

I mean, I can see some situations where it could be useful but only for the minority, so as you said not really relevant I guess.


not really sure if I should keep this plugin… Does not let the admin dictate what badges can be shown and how many. basically just lets the user dictate what badges they wanna show.

Maybe for higher trust levels

If it works of off favourited badges, could you change the maximum favourite amount and favouratibility of each badge and limit it that way? Those seem like reasonable settings that might be available somewhere.

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Not without changing source code