Forum queer analysis

Or my sister, purely because she has eating sensitivities. (The crunch, combined with the garlic, quote “reminds her of bugs”, which, is fair.)

hi im bisexual and garlic bread fucking slaps


Now that you mention it, there are a lot of vampires in the lgbtq community, wouldn’t want to invalidate them would we?

Yummy bugs :yum:

Nerds gummy cluster dye :yum:

I’ve never had Nerds. or a bunch of stuff. I grew up weird.

Never had M&Ms, Kitkats, oreos, a lot of candy. I think the only chocolate I’ve ever had is Whoppers. and the only gummy is Swedish Fish.

How do you grow up without oreos

Damn, what?

Genuinely these are the worst 2 candies to have as your only experiences and this is coming from someone who likes whoppers

My Mama has diabetes, so I grew up without them in the house because they’d make her sad- and I never really was hungry as a kid (still aren’t hungry often) so halloween consisted of Sock getting all my candy or my siblings taking it. I wouldn’t fight it.

This is wrong. ALSO I’ve had hersheys in this insane milkshake I had in NYC a few years back.

Do not diss my GOATs Swedish fish

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fuck at your own pace don’t drag me into this disaster of a relationship

Yeah sure keep telling yourself you don’t want it

Listen I’ve never had them.
I want to rephrase, I do not think those candies are bad. They just do not represent candies as a whole well

I tried reese’s cups yesterday. It feels like they taste salty but I know they don’t and I don’t know why. Also, never had marshmallows. Or a S’more…

Or like, more than half of the shit you can get at the dollar store in the candy aisle.


This is how the pope must feel looking down onto the unenlightened

Yeah, Sock can vouch, when we hung out and made them, all I did was eat the graham crackers. I ate like- half of a graham cracker and kept petting their cats.

Matey, you got robbed BLIND with just Swedish fish. They’re the worst gummy by far; hardly any flavor. The only one worse than them are Twizzlers, because they have no flavor whatsoever.

My hot take is that I don’t mind twizzlers