Forum youtube channel

Do it.

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just make sure not to get too popular or you will feel an overwhelming urge to dm kids sexually…

why would I…

that’s what they all say

I’m muslim

I don’t discriminate based on religion :+1:

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that makes zero difference

that makes 100% the difference wdym

most religions and basic moral compasses say to not touch kids bro

most religions people do not actually act on

ok. Muslim is included in “religions” because its a religion. sure its your religion and you may act on it but the fact is it doesn’t inherently make you unable to touch minors

from my experience it actually makes it worse but i wont get into that


it does bec it’s haram

but anyways stop arguing about religion in this topic bro we can dm or something

That’s why you gotta go for the old wrinkly sugar daddys

get on quotables

Imagine this is the first video :pensive:

idk why @Dudeman said no :frcryin:

but anyway I’m doing it
first video next week may bee

I forgot it’s been 2 weeks :skull:

someone remind me

Reminds u