Forumer attitude chart template

i can be toxic as fuck but im usually joking :slight_smile:

spider language is really nice!!!
they shou;ld change it rn

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why else do you think taitc is a bipolar jerk in the corner


@liu is an auth-left confirmed. Hail to the state


piss off noble gayass

you can piss of aswell noble gayass


boy have you changed

yea i made a serious suggestion once lol idk what your point is

you were sane at one point

uh what yhathas rude hes sad now :frowning:


im somewhere in the toxic category i think

Yo @ThatAsianInTheCorner how is the alignment chart going.

I just got back to the computer Iā€™m starting it rn

Alrighty then.

Iā€™m definitely in datboii

seems legit