Forumer Battle Royale: Official

I lay on a silver plate since I’m just a barlic gread I cant move

hey hold up, let him chill!

Wanna join my Lab-Wide Peace Alliance?

i am here with a speed coil gravity coil and tesla coil

“Sure, as long as you have more snacks :D!”

Wasn’t expecting anyone this renowned on the forums to show up, Hiya Maple!

wsg we are breaking the 4th wall now

You say “now” as though that wasn’t already happening

Damn only 13 days? Feels like WAY more longer but I’m still resurrecting this thread

throws a tree at you cause why not

Free Christmas tree

i put a tissue wipe around hyper’s neck

You can’t do shit we’re both already dead

we’re in astral plane

I shank you with a teaspoon (laced with poison due to being dipped in the poison tea)

i drink the tea off the spoon and spit it in your eyes

I blink at the perfect time to parry it

I throw my calculator at your foot. Who’s you exactly?

Absolutely everyone

this means that I also break my own toes