Forums Search Party For Bio

Biologlol said to add this

Let the hunt for bio begin!

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why you eated it all?

i forced them to work for my game

I was hungry


Anyway forgot to say why not Iā€™ll.join

And the cooler version:

Sorry about disappearing for a bit, I was sent on an involuntary vacation >->
Iā€™m not sure how to put this into words, but thank you, it brings a tear to my eye to see all of you guys working together on this. I suppose you can say,

I have been found


Been there before


I thought weā€™d get 2+

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sounds like kidnapping bio canā€™t lie

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BIO IS BACK!!! :fire:

GUYS WE FOUND BIO!(complete sentence)

Tbf thats kinda real

Goodbye bio
Hope you have a good life outside with the grass

The grass held me and didnā€™t want to let go

Glad to have you back mate

Welcome back buddy!

Very interesting. Where was this ā€˜Involuntary vacationā€™?

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Iā€™m gonna be honest I donā€™t actually know why we were worrying about why he was gone so much