French kiss?

literal tongue twisting.

I am not horny
i am very horny

You asked for it yourself. I will publicly show you what happens.

harder uwu

I’ve never kissed anyone in my life :sunglasses:

How do you kiss in french

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Thought you would know that consider how fcking horny you claimed to be

Good, keep it that way for the sake of humanity

Oh I thought u meant like speak french and kiss, ye I french kiss with Fro all the time

damn… :frpensive:


@2Fro confirm my claims


Fro hot :fire:

Oh sure he is
When i roast him with a flamethrower-

I will eat ur flamethrower :hungry:

and i’ll eat his crisped corpse

No, only Im allowed to bite him

Now the entire forum will think you two play BDSM stuffs all the time when alone

There’s these things called discord DMs