Fruit tier list

lemon s but not strawberry ?

what’s wrong with you people


how have so many people never had Pomegranates?? they aint even an exotic or rare fruit


i’ve have them before i just dont remember what they taste like so i just didnt put it in a tier

that is a good point

tomatoes on their own taste terrible imo but they make really good sauce and condiments

What’s a custard apple? I wanna eat that thing, looks trippy.

why are pomegranates that low? they’re on the better side of fruits

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white people smh smh


Because you have to spend 30 minutes peeling and gutting the thing, just to then have it be full of seeds as well. The taste is not bad but the experience of eating one is the worst of any fruit or vegetable I tried. Good juice though, I usually give up on eating it halfway through and go for the juicer.

i haven’t had pomegranates in a while sadly, but can’t you just like use a spoon on their shell to make the seeds fall out?
Also aren’t the seeds the main part of the fruit that people eat?

I saw people do that in videos but it never worked for me, I just dig the little orbs out with a spoon. 30 mins is hyperbole, but it takes time.

The seeds are tasteless to me, I chew on the orbs until I squeeze all the juice out and then swallow the rest. I always thought of that last step as the bad part of eating the thing.

I might be the weird one or I might be getting low tier pomegranates, but the fact that it’s 50% skin, 20% seed and then maybe 30% edible makes me usually pass on them.

Oh, by seeds i thought you meant the orbs, that clears up a bit.
The seeds aren’t very good i agree, but i don’t think you’re supposed to eat them.

That much skin? I’m not sure what’s the average skin/seed ratio but that seems to be more than normal

I havent had half of this list but I FUCKING LOVE CHERRIES

ikr they are so good

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you have some fruits too low, but respectable tierlist

I can list reasons why if you name them

Alright, in no particular order:

  • Why are red apples a tier lower than green apples?
  • Why do you like cherries so much
  • Why are pineapples and lemon/lime that low?
  • How are grapefruits not a D?