Fruit tier list

grapes that don’t give way easily to your teeth, and make a satisfying sound when you bite into them.


Too small = too sour and tough
Too big = too mushy and sweet
You gotta find that goldilocks zone where they are alright which is only like 1/4th of all blueberry boxes from atleast where i live :face_exhaling:

Eat the small and big ones at the same time
Simple as that
Idk not that big of an issue where I am, maybe blackberries where you are are better

broken heart tierlist

I see how avocado is low on rating

Here is how to make it good

put it on toast and put salt on it
: D

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Everyone’s opinion is wrong but mine

ayo why tf i put cantaloupe and honeydew so low those are at least B

honeydew is not d tier

Here is mine

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blackberry invalid

Since this tierlist I’ve added 5 new fruits that’s I’ve tried out

Dates - D Tier - I thought they would taste like raisins, but they’re not. They’re more flavorless and very squishy.

Asian Pear - A Tier - Basically tastes like a regular pear, but a bit more tart

Pomegranate - B Tier - I’ve tasted pomegranate flavored drinks, but not the fruit itself. It basically tastes the same, but it’s quite odd in the way you eat it.

Durian - D Tier - I heard these tasted good, but I did not like it at all. It was definitely sweet, but not really a flavor I enjoy

Nectarine - A Tier - Basically a smaller peach, and I like peaches

Quite the exquisite list.


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this list is… acceptable

Grapefruit is a cursed abomination that only skinwalkers consume and nobody can tell me otherwise :smiley:

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Im not reading all that

I rest my case


dragonfruits taste like shit why is it top of A

I wake up mad

Knowing I can’t put my hands on people on the internet

they taste awful tho

bitter and watery

and basically no flavor beyond that