I hate PvP in this game

Fuck this shitty ass pvp it sucks fat cock I can be standing still someone shoots in the other direction and I get hit fuckin excuse me? Fuck the rep system to I can make one little mistake don’t get fine and leave the game and lose all my rep you got to be slapping my ass by this point.


gonna assume you havent read this

also yeah, thats how the pvp works. you can do the exact same thing for other people, its just that you dont notice it because it applies to EVERYONE. you only notice it when it happens to you.

i can guarantee that you’ve never missed an attack even though the hitbox is on them, because that’s how it works. hit detection is based on the player client, not what the server sees. what’s happening is that on their screen, they hit you.


Still is shit

If you’re on the forum angry at the game, someone will say skill issue and instantly ratio you with 17 likes. This is your fate now, you can’t escape


skill issue


he has a point you know
the whole “client sided pvp” thing has been a problem for a while
and it really should be changed in the future
chances are
it is being changed
maybe after idk
we’ll have pvp that doesn’t allow little billy to press q in your general direction and nail you perfectly

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Client side registration is the exact reason tf2’s melee system is so wonky, so I can get where your coming from

skill issue

jokes aside its probably getting fixed in TGR so we can only hope

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Can’t wait to hit someone on my screen but have it miss because the server didn’t register it. It will be so fun when it is impossible to hit anyone that is moving. We’ll know that PvP is good when the slightest ping renders all fights impossible. Vetex should really make hit detection server-side.

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This strikes a very “LordGaltron” tone.


Just know that people who reply with “skill issue” are mentally challenged.

Can people think and research before they fucking type please

Bitch that doesn’t change anything

mad cus ping difference

now thats a skill issue

pvp is good but very client-sided, and it was so much worse in the past but the optimisations around it are being worked on so really all we can do is patiently wait for AO.
Or just get a better pc :t_rex:

yeah this is how life works lol

at least in WOM

Well, TF2 at least have Random crits.
Oh and ye, you can attack with your spine on solider with some melees.

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That’s literally better than clientside, server side wouldn’t cause as many hit reg issues as you’re thinking, it will cause lag issues though.

Sounds like something a skill issue would say :fr:

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