StockSound "Ooga booga" Incident


There is no war in Ba Sing Se


racist stocksounds incident

you had to be there man

Well if you weren’t there and didn’t know already Stocksounds said something kinda racist and it became a whole thing.

I think most if not all messages in relation to it got moved to another thread
This one:

man it was hilarious its a shame you missed it

ooga booga land…

Yeah it was pretty ridiculous and apparently this was what some wiki people had to say about it

poorly thought out culture??


-say racist shit
-get banned
-people from your home community say its the site you were on’s fault

like bro he equated “african” with “ooga booga” :sob:
also we’re anything BUT woke, has he seen some of the shit that gets said

i would like to bring to attention

oh i see,

I thought there was a spam, because it’s got around 200+ unread message when i wake up


i swear that guy is also on the forums :sob:

yes he is, thats why i posted that. should i ping him

yeah do it

@BlueFighter15 incriminating evidence

the fact he called the community he is a part of idiotic shit “heafs” is ironic
also for someone who thinks hes a good writer hes not very good at spelling
