Ghostly's doodle thread

this man is the most beautiful man to have ever lived
hes so pretty with long hair istg…
i have something for men with long hair
(totally dont look at my comment on Knifes Freedrock redesign :3)

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my king would never

finally got around to trying to design lawrence’s sponsor outfit


Been wanting to design obolus as a character for a while now

her name is ophelia


actual peak.
it’s not batshit insane for a design, it’s just good

Cook again, Ghostly, you’re beating the forums by an incredible long-shot with this design :fire:

whats with the forums and making sea monsters so hot

not that im complaining

hidden-faced women in pretty dresses ghostly ily

I wrote an explanations of my OC's titles in arthub and will now put it here

Mei Bliss: The Seafaring Maiden
She’s a young captain of a ship who sails with her companion throughout the War Seas. Having a lot of experience seafaring, she navigates through the ocean with great precision
Caroline Zelgius: The Rose Gold Hunter
Her magic is the rose gold variant of metal magic. She wants to become a famous assassin, feared by all. Hoping to gain strength, her first bounty she hunts leads her to set out into the War Seas hunting someone she once called a friend. A person she once called sister, for vengeance.
Vincent Talon: The Jade Knight
His eyes resemble jade gemstones, and he has an heirloom (The Magius Relic) that has the color of jade. He aspires to be a knight that protects a nation. Knight is also his class.
Lawrence Cain: The Hushed Apex
Lawrence is assassin who never fails to hunt his target. Like a predator hunting his prey, he fights like a beast who knows no fear. Despite having no magic, he hunts like an animal at the top of the food chain. The hushed part of his name comes from the fact he’s mute, never able to mutter a word.
Keira Rain: Aesir’s Disgraced Valkyrie
Keira was a part of an organization in Keraxe, where they protect the citizens of the nation. Similar to how Valkyries were warriors in Norse myths. Exiled from her home due to a crime she didn’t commit, She lost the respect of her homeland. She was taken in by Aesir after her exilement.
Dragomir Lionheardt: The Rainbow Wyvern
He has fire magic and he wears outrageously colored clothing.
Hisashit Sonozaki: Dragon’s Faith
Ryujin means Dragon God. Hisashi wants to become a prized warrior of the dynasty. But his family does not see it becoming possible, so they never supported his dreams and expect him to inherite their business. However, he keeps holding onto the dream he has, never losing faith that, one day, he can live how he wants.
Jamal Karim: Sameria’s Howitzer
He’s a captain of the Sameria Navy. His fighting style is cannon-fist, so he throws balls like a madman.
Bea Granite: River’s Judgement
She has sailor fist fighting style. She works for the Agora. As someone who writes nothing but the truth in the news, she gives the most unbiased verdict on what happens
Ray Harper: Scholar of Greed
A strong wizard who has collected years of knowledge. He seeks more and more knowledge about magic every day.
Gale Ecclestone: The Psychopomp
She is a powerful Oracle determined to destroy the Dark Sea. She sails into the Dark Sea for answers of how to destroy it. Like the ferryman who sails those dead into the afterlife, she set sails into a place of death, returning every time just to sail back into that dark abyss once more.
Enver Ordius: Mind of Madness
A genius man corrupted by madness in pursuit of creating a powerful wizard. This Aesir scientist will stop at nothing to seek the results he desires
Pearl Foregone: The Fractured Damsel
The original Glass Curse user. Over years of losing those she called family, a piece of herself breaks every time she sees one of them leave her behind. After all those centuries, she finds herself embracing death like the rest of them.
Icarus Caelum: The Sky Sovereign
The King of Skyhall, he who looks over the skies.


I feel like this is what an Atlantean Siren would potentially look like.

But at the same time, she seems unique in that she retains her beauty despite looking similar to Obolus (maybe even being related to it(?)

i took inspiration from the fact that obolus’ lair has gold and treasure on it. it is the only sea monster that guards treasure in its habitat, meaning it’s probably the richest fish in the sea. the glowing orb it has reminds me of pearls, so that’s the inspiration for the jewelry she wears.

i have a bias for really pretty dresses, so it’s the perfect excuse for me to draw her this way

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Doodles I did in a whiteboard session


Is that Ruan Mei? I love how you drew her!

Lmao, Firefly. War flashbacks

honestly hoyo did firefly so dirty putting ruan mei on the rerun, not only that ruan mei being the best support firefly can have :sob:

Oh man… yikes…

yeah, hoyo can be quite ruthless

did some quick sketches for mei’s outfit in nimbus

2nd one seems the best. mainly cuz i wanted to imagine what she’d wear in both sameria and skyhall. first one doesn’t fit skyhall and last one didn’t fit sameria (also waist jacket is an underrated design choice)

might do some more then make some for vincent


I love the doll-like eyes, it’s so cute.
Also, second and third are great, I’d say go with those. (suspenders work so well for Mei)

yeah, 1st one seems too similar to the current mei so it doesn’t feel any different. i can definitely see mei wearing the 2nd one tbh

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