Good job Vetex

The post is mostly an observation. Vetex is going through whatever he’s going through rn. It’s not up to me to control how he perceives it.

Why did you name it something doomposty then proceed to talk about how proud you are he put a dev team together (im changing the title so its more clear what your talking about)

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Ah fair enough I see

I just felt like there isnt that much hype for full release from what I seen atleast

Like tbf the past few updates… Well… Ye but vetex is doing good now thats what is important

Like objectively speaking the title was correct it just ruffled some feathers ig

Yeah tbh I think it’s the only reason vetex responded or looked at this was cause of the title lol

While you are here, there is a topic you should take a look at, people have had concerns about a specific mechanic in the game for a while now and are eagerly waiting for what they see as a problem to be fixed:

I think solving this problem would get you quite a few Good Boy Points with the community, and would really show that you still care about what really matters - my enjoyment of the game.

@Vetex u struggle finding a girl friend because ur so defensive.

fridge delete this delete this this is not a good idea

It’s true, I’m saying it for his well being.

Your gonna get suspended…

If Vetex keeps getting defensive yes

It’s over

leave vetex alone :rage:

I can never imagine vetex losing

The less defensive u are the more rizz u wield :heart_hands:

Everyone loses its the matter if u get back up

The real reason is that he never socializes cuz he locked in on devving arcane odyssey

I’m sure he has chances to socialize he’s probably defensive thoe around women lots of guys are

Stop projecting on vetex bro :skull:

I’ve never really take myself that serious around people if it doesn’t objectively matter. I’ve always had options I was brought up with game.