Great TGR info dump

hey do you think you could run across water though? no boats needed cuz speed?

Lol I was just thinking about that.

While it would be hilarious and cool, it would absolutely kill the point of the game and it’s sea based activities, so uhhh.

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bro I’m not reading all that its not that serious


unrelated question but
which feature in TGR that you made so far is your favorite

are you retarded bro? even at endgame, you won’t have all of those stats unless you specifically wore armor that each gave multiple of each stat, obviously you would choose a build that gives a lot of a few of those stats, not one that gives a small amount of all of them

also you’re literally saying some of the stats are bad just because you don’t understand fully what they do, and it seems like you hate most of them just because you personally don’t like them. Overall your entire post seemed childish, angry, and pointless


Hell yeah i’d love to be a fishmaster

Oh, this new, i been asking that question up until now, thanks

i said “99%” not “its confirmed” -___________-

Oh, my bad sorry

so i was looking at each of the build’s respective lost/primordial assets, and i found this:


  • lost/primordial spells
  • lost/primordial magics


  • lost/primordial techniques
  • lost/primordial fighting styles


  • lost/primordial skills
  • lost/primordial NOTHING.

warriors do not have a second type of lost/primordial asset. when you look at the build types, you can sort their assets into two different types

  • 1: ones that add singular moves (spells, techniques, skills)
  • 2: ones that change how a moveset works (magics, fighting styles, NOTHING)

did vetex leave out the 2nd one for weapons or is this an oversight?

legendary weapons

a possible solution to this?
lost/primordial weapon types
vetex is currently making weapons more modular, adding preset types of weapons.

this means that he could also very likely add lost and primordial weapon types.

perhaps he add an npc/npc function that will allow us to change a weapon’s type? perhaps there shall be a sunken iron staff or sunken iron bow in the future?

one problem i could see is this getting in the way of realism and fucking up legendary weapon lore, but im pretty sure you could just make it drop as it’s canon version, and then allow you to change it at a skilled blacksmith
step 1: get durandal
step 2: go to master blacksmith and ask for him to change it into a bow (fuck realism)
step 3: you now have durandal (bow form) (all my homies hate realism)

most legendary weapons are just “normal weapon but with cool enchantment” :///

So to have a primordial magic we need to be a wizard (Pure magic)? That seems pretty restrictive.

Wait nevermind I read it wrong

no i just didnt want to list off 4 different build names, ill change it to magic/weapons/strength

Do you think Padalin will have access to primordial magic?

any build type can it’d just be counterintuitive to spec into primordial magic as a weapons user

Ah, okay. Wonder if going some vitality would lock a few magic options.

there might be a few magic options that are only obtainable if you 100% spec into magic but i doubt it’d lock anything thats currently mentioned

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