Great TGR info dump


whattaya mean by that

no he isn’t?

why would he do that, did you read something we didnt?

It is a full sentence alt account

Everything has been sorted out into categories.

Dang you have a negative view on a whole lot of stuff

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It already does…

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all i can say is

you made it sound like magic size was being removed
but pulling up this makes you seem like some kinda snob that commands vetex and his decisions due to the wording of your post on seemingly removing magic size???

Trying to give an opinion as stupid like that won’t work. And the intention is to be able to do what you want.

By this I mean, you should be able to make various builds as you’d like, removing stats would be against that.

Agreed. :nod:

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These are armor stats, not spell/attack stats.

Armor stat, why would it be in the customizer

Already there.
Armor stat because some of us like bigger stuff.

Shut up.

Not a reason

Makes no sense, you can’t make shit go faster like that.

Armor stat.

Armor stat.

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Disagree. Very useful


its the most fun stat to play around with tho
like by farrrrr

and ao will have big islands too so it could still be very useful

Agility actually has it’s uses but I think a buff would benefit it. I’m not saying you should become The Flash with max agility, but it should help with moving faster or reducing stamina consumption for actions that do so.

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How much time have you been here to give a valid opinion?

Also, yes I can support my opinion.

I’m surprised you call what I say not an excuse when EVERYONE is saying your reasons aren’t valid excuses either. Removing stats because they are bad or cringe? What the hell, honestly.

Casting and Swift and useful for slower magics… Plus wtf are you talking about?

This. Just this. You can buff Metal’s speed if you have problems with landing hits with magic speed. If it didn’t exist magics would some be harder to hit and you would only have damage, which, as far as I know, DAMAGE DOESN’T MATTER IF YOU CAN’T HIT YOUR OPPONENT!!!

this is genuinenly the stupidest thing ive ever heard on this forum…

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EXACTLY! (full sentence)

I use a ton of magic size, it makes it easier to PvP and PvE, it’s good and profitable because it allows me to create far larger attacks than normally possible.

Knockback is a useful stat that can cancel forwards momentum and disorientate the target.

Magic Casting Speed is arguably the most useful stat that allows you to fire attacks noticeably faster. More useful than Power in PvP.

Because that negates the entire point of having faster and slower magics.