Guns are here!



Shadow Scythe gang? :poggers2:

hopefully we get slightly more modern weapons, idk what specifically

but i’ll just grab the longest gun and snipe, time to become a sneaky bastard

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I doubt it.

But i’m still using a bow instead, maybe it’ll trade projectile speed for damage, who knows.

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opinions no one asked for nor needs to hear

true dat

anyways i’m not gonna be sniping 24/7 if there’s anything like the musket, but with an accurate user, it could become a great weapon for fights. just hope there’s a chance for a ‘‘magic musket’’ kind of thing, same for all other weapons, magic-ize everything just because it’d be waaaaay cooler

haha modern guns aren’t getting added B)

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Add a super long barrel with no stock for maximum fun.

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can’t wait for automatic rifles to come out!1!!1

youll need to use a secret thing called v3rmillion to get those

bang bang

Lightning magic musket

I guess we were always going to get guns, considering AA had guns and AO is supposed to take place not very long after that (not sure on the exact numbers).

canonically, wom was supposed to not have guns since technology got reversed due to durza’s destruction in the fight against peacekeeper

@techlevel80 gg :handshake:

explosive musket

i’m not sure how to feel about this

long story