its the grand fire magic having to do with fire’s brightness the way inferno brings out its heat or scorch brings out it’s explosiveness
So the grand fire just fire but better and each just let out smth on their own?
oh yeah each is a different color
aethereal is yellow
I knew it, and morock is prometheus’s coem
Metal magic
severance magic
i need osmium magic (metal and gravity to make it super dense) for my sniper rifle build
i love metal conjurer with 1,000 dmg piercing shot
Subzero magic. Some combination of Ice, Pressure, and Shadow.
It’s main gimmick is spreading a devastating freeze debuff. You get hit, and 10 seconds later, you can’t do anything, and anything near you will start to succumb to the eternal frost.
The magic is very slow, like 0.02 speed stat slow; but it’s both large, and will expand as it moves.
Pretty much get hit = stasis. And it works on projectiles, anything that touches the frosty aura is slow to its speed unless its disastrously hot.
insanity magic
bad damage, less-than-average size, okay speed, bad destruction
gives the enemy insanity when hit. status effect stacks but does not refresh
turns the ground into a darker tint, gives the enemy general debuffs (movespeed decrease, lower/no stamina/energy generation, etc)
to prevent the enemy from airstalling to counteract this, the area above the ground would also be affected by the insanity, to calculate this, take the highest value between the length, width or height of the affected terrain, double it, and thats the ‘height’ of the insanity ‘box’
yes, you can use explosion shockwave and get insane area of effect, but thats just general debuffs, so you gotta balance between debuffing the enemy or inflicting insanity for them to die
i would set the status duration to 10 seconds
when status effect hits insanity 4/5, you take damage as normal (could possibly be nerfed, if the enemy player has insanity themselves then it’d be a middleground, so 3 player insanity + 2 magic insanity = 3/5ths of the 33% enemy health decrease would be normal, while the other 2/5ths is halved or something, which would lead to ~26.7% health decrease, if it were to be 1pi and 4mi then it would be ((1/5)x(1/3))+(4/5)x(1/3)/2) = 20% health decrease, etc
if its still too overpowered, we can quarter the effect, or whatever
to prevent people from using 20 blast or javelin, theres a cooldown between applying status effects (0.3-0.5 seconds or smth)
javelin specifically would be 1.26 seconds so it only applies 3 stacks of insanity if it’s count is set to 5 (if this ancient magic even gets a javelin-related spell)
surge would be even worse, but i doubt people are going to spend a long time in the surge’s range
beer magic
Too op
Deletion Magic
Delete anyone i want, anytime
Im gonna witch hunt you if you dont calm down with reacting to every single post you see
Haha I could just delete u tho
Creation magic, a mix of earth, water, air, fire, lightning, light, ice, wood, and metal.
Can be used to generate and repair objects, but will despawn eventually
Whats pressure magic? I mean the combination
Dang bro thats alot
Start reading
It’s not that much, really
My opinion tho, why would the base dmg would be low and any other multiplier stats? Ik that insanity just mostly plays in your mind but the insanity 5 is very strong, its like the brain is fully fogged with magic pollution, cant the user just use what amount of insanity they want? Lastly, whats the combination of the magic? Is it shadow with poison, death with poision or all shadow mutation into one?
Yo read it above my message (i forgot to reply u)