Guys, rate my fekking stat build. (the weird stat builds thread)



Well SOMEBODY picked the wrong first magic.

im the wind conjurer

Right, well I’m not sure what I’m guessing.

Look, at the cooldowns :skull:

Somebody recycled their knockback build I see

Also @divanochi please split the stupid argument about aether into a separate thread thanks :pray:

what’s gravity magic’s gimmick? sorry for going off topic but i can’t tell from the video. is it sucking things into the point of impact or is it multiple hits or what

i can tell that the guy did charge the moves after watching the whole video
it would be cool if aether’s gimmick was a long windup but i assume vetex would implement that after it’s added for normal players

New maximum attack size thanks to the Adventurer’s Jacket that was added this update.

Now to find a way to optimise this to be PvP viable (I will be atomic with pink plasma self-pillars)

someone make a 2016 themed armor build


-paper hat
-holiday crown
-black iron branches


-:gem: :fire: ADIDAS GALAXY HOODIE :fire: :gem:
-Frost guard general leggings
-commando limited


Doesn’t it still have less size than Aereus?
Also Marauder’s cloak is so fricking good! And it only has 1 less than Adventurer’s, which is a good trade-off.

Yes, but it has modifiers that allows it to beat it.

I see, yeah, cool!

I wonder how silly builds like these play

I knew it was good, but lordie up above.

Who would like to be slow in a practical way? I want to try it.

Additionally, when savants get imbuement, you can imbue it onto some strength weapons and do like this.

Ultimate Art: Die!
Thy end is now!
Ultimate Art: Crush!
Prepare thyself!
Ultimate Art: Weak!

@Mr_hyperspace i have created your worst nightmare

uses modifiers and unironical piercing