H o w e x p l a i n t h i s t o m e i n e e d k n o w

h o w



holyyy shit, they’ve been using fire resistence, cant believe they’ve been cheating.

fucking alchemist… they must be giving all the npc’s fire resist pots EVERYTIME REVOLT CIVIL WARRRRR AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (joke)

bro like,everyone suffering from hitkill from vulcano and npc do this is not a freaking bug BRUH

I once had a quest where the NPCs were in the lava lol

Think of it as anti-cheese mechanic.

you know,its not easy send a npc diretly to lava without lighting,this incentivate even more to players cheese npcs because of these freaking advantages

You know that you could just lure them into the lava if that were the case, right?

ok ok,but why not scipt npcs to do them know when a area is dangerous to them,pirates not jump on water trying catch player

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That’s easier said than done. Pathfinding is weird.

excuse me but where did they get fire resistance potions from minecraft

I can cheese pirates by destroying their ships and letting them drown but can’t push npcs into lava?

I haven’t done a quest like the ship one in awhile though so I don’t know if that was fixed.