Have the forums been making anyone else depressed lately

its simply so ass

after thatoneguy left it was doomed to be an endless downward spiral

wait, people are leaving?

these forums are sucking me dry

Well, some people have been (rightfully or not) suspended or left due to their actions. Others simply felt this was no longer their place, and they are free to feel as such. Some of these newcomers, and some people that have been around for a while need some guidance, and that’s not the worst.

I just wish some of the good people weren’t leaving.

ive always known the forums were kind of just… not great :sob: but more recently ive really noticed that everyone is so negative and it feels like arguing fuels the entire site

im not gonna pretend like i wasnt part of that cause i absolutely was, but ive been trying to minimize how much i interact with anything negative or anything that could become negative (and if i do interact with it dont make it worse)

for anyone active on the forums id personally suggest you do the same thing. Also interact with positive threads and aspects of the forums, if you have anything you create for AO get artist role, if you make anything at all make a creation thread in off-topic (ive been meaning to do this), interact with silly/fun threads, have HEALTHY and CONSTRUCTIVE discussions, etc.

im not a good example to look up to for any of that but itd help the forums as a whole if more people did that

be like this picture

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i had to come back from my forum retirement just to argue with people protesting about the PVP toggle

a bit off topic but i lost my ssd and this was an old wallpaper i had on it :DDDDD thanks for showing it to me again


I’m gonna stay locked in and outlive the rest of the forums. When it’s left as a desolate shell of its former glory, I’ll be rocking in my wooden chair as the younglings timidly walk up and ask,

“What are forums?”

I’ll give a slight chuckle and look up to the sky, gazing on as the memories pass through me. I let out a gentle hum and say through my tune,


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