kid named frostmetal cannon
I accept defeat
now the real offender here is gonna be diamond (which I assume will have upgraded crystallized effect) cannon, that’s gonna be horrifying
this has happened already, he was like one of the first 3 opponents i had to go through to glaze morock as much as i do today
link the argument I need to read some peak literature
its too deep in for me to bother to try find it
I get your argument behind why guns should be prioritized over other weapons. And you’re right, guns are a lot more dangerous to deal with than most other weapons.
But there’s a lot more things you have you consider when using guns, such as ammo, reload time, what the enemy is throwing at you, ect. Guns are generally more difficult to get creative with than the average weapon also, since those are generally enhanced with aura and you’re able to do a lot more with them overall.