Hello forum!

Welcome to the one of the like 4 last camps of waiting for quality games.
The 5th one was abandoned from the release of Deepwoken.

I have a soul :fr:

shush little man

Hey how are ya? Ignore the edgy kids who weren’t loved enough by their nonexistent parents alright? They like saying random things a lot.

1 Like

Sorry, forgot that somehow

its cool bro

Shall I summon the welcomer?

ill do it

Unfortunately this does not work because its not his first post

so yeah
welcome to the forums
: )
have a little look around to see some of the topics, maybe put out your opinions and pray that it doesn’t go against anyone else’s
hope you enjoy you’re stay


oh yeah LOL
you just pinged him for nothing B)

Thanks for all the welcomes guys! :grin:

you may not be aware yet, but your prescense on this website is slowly consuming your soul, dragging you down into the depths of damnation with the rest of us, run while you can

Does not matter, I have been on Reddit for 1 second so uh…