Here's ... whatever it is Typo created... I think?

My boy Sif! Navy captain and local amnesiac.
Real quick edit: I know I forget them a lot in my art, but Sif does have a copious amount of freckles on his face.


incredible catfish girl

will throw my oc into the ring for fun
draw my milf lawrence (right)



me quietly reclining knowing that sashanatashablissmaymeow nimbusfallenfire perfectly parodies and represents literally 95% of all the OC submissions here


Alright, here’s one from Dubious instead:

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in the end, they are all sashanatashablissmaymeow nimbusfallenfire
you win either way. good job Typo

wrong name, it’s sashanatashablissymaymeow, not sashanatashablissmaymeow

thats how typo said it so it is the right one
wanna have reason over the author?

This is how typo said it so it is the right one

this is how its written in the most recent retcon, you’re cooked.

admittedly i actually just can’t bring myself to remember how to spell her name right but for consistency’s sake I think it’d be fair if we try to stick with the first iteration of the spelling (honestly I have no idea what I forgot to add but I’ll try to be more on top of the spelling)

Not an artist… and too late anyway… :frcryin:

It looks beautiful btw.

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omw to submit childrens’ drawings to art application so i can get HIM to draw my ocs :smirk_cat:

There’s actually three of them if you include Sandal

i die…

@GhostlySickle @BronzePegasus Your guys’ replies are tied, so we gotta do a tiebreaker. Pick a number from one to ten. Whoever is closest to the number in my head wins.

Sorry this funny looking game caught my attention

you LOSEe :joy:!:joy:!:joy:!:joy:!:joy:!:joy:!:joy:!:joy:!:joy:!

i untied.

Your reaction is too late! (plz just lemme coin flip :pleading_face:)