Hey y'all!

We can go into the semantics of what my position actually does, but in that case, if we were to go by your logic, I would not be able to do many of the things other players are allowed to do.
Out of the game, I stick to what my rank entails, while in-game the only difference would be I have nuclear armaments equipped to my ship, which is not the majority of the game.

I’ll agree to disagree here. Every other moderator supervisor does not have a set, and the set was given to me not because I am one. Once again, the reason why I was provided is not relevant to be shared.

I can be both a moderator supervisor and a person that was gifted at the same time. They do not mutually coexist with one another. It would be like saying “Vetex created the game and he should want everything to be fair, so he cannot use his custom”.

Going to stop here as well for the sake of not clogging replies, but you really could’ve handled this better. What you’re allowed to do is not for me or anyone else to dictate.

Irrelevant as the reason to why you were given the cannons is, it would be fair to assume that its use was intended to be limited to its owners, aka you and Tech. I won’t debate further about whether or not it was within bounds for you to allow a regular player to use it with the express purpose of ship PVP, but it sure as hell left a bad taste on the incident as a whole.


I have no words to describe just how hilarious this is.

No idea why you’re trying to justify you abusing your privileges (indirectly or not) to ruin someone’s experience in a game you moderate for. It might have been a mistake, it might not, but it doesn’t change the fact that it happened because you allowed it.

Ah yes, my brig with Cataclysm cannons that deal twice as much damage as the current best cannons in the game

I mean they perform exactly the same, oops

Next time, just say “I have better cannons lmao, get good”


Thanks for clearing this up. When I first hear this I was flabbergasted. Though I will never condone thievery and piracy, it’s good to be 100% that there are no ‘special privilege’s’ that mods can abuse (Aside from Mimhere shutting the only dang Elysium servers I find. Damn you Mimhere!)

So it’s pretty cut and dry. Someone got bullied cause of the cannons, it’s unfortunate but it happened. It stirred up a lotta drama, and now there will (hopefully) be productive discussion about healthy ways to separate PVP from PVE so pve players aren’t constantly getting bullied by PVP players just for sharing the same sandbox.

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Cataclysm is Vetex’s custom.
Its a fusion of 2 ancient magics, Shatter and Apocalypse Bringer.

aa all over again :frpensive:

damn this is the kinda stuff i can potentially run into in the dark sea, serves me right for trying to brave the spooky sea hell
i aint going back there just to get turned into splinters :boom:

im going back to bullying calvus and making funny notebook marks in palo town!!!

Community reacted very differently to how I thought they would ngl. Was not expecting them to take it that seriously

Y’all are insane

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Yeah. I think it’s two reasons. One, tester universe and the general community of testers and the players at the more ‘known’ level is almost wholly made up of people who prefer pvp. To you, this is (mostly) harmless fun. Just a part of the game.

But on the ‘lower down’ parts of the community, its primarily PVE players like myself and many others. This leads us to reason 2, which is a trend towards anti-gank culture radicalization. That is to say, because many players have suffered ganks before, they know how something like this feels, they know how annoying and frustrating it is for them, and how harshly actions like this cut into their fun, so when they see a tester bragging about something that is practically a nightmare scenario for them, they are gonna flip.

The forums are mostly, comprised of PVE players and those who partake liberally of PVP. I don’t even really think we have many leaderboard players frequent the forums, so it’s mostly chill PVE players, with the occasional standout PVP player. So bragging about destroying a PVE players fun? It’s kinda like bringing a deer carcus to a PETA show-and-tell.

I’m just hoping this doesn’t boil over anymore. The community has enough negativity and animosity in the pvp scene as is- I would hate to see this start a trend in the PVE community as well where people go feral on pvp players. I’m just one guy, I know there isn’t much I can do in the long run to quell toxicity, but seeing people immediately sling personal insults at you and other NP members because of it did not inspire confidence in me about the state of the communities mental health.


I’d say this is the expected reaction. This community has consistently been icky with ganking since release, let alone ganking for Dark Sea Sealed. I thought it was extremely clear that the topic of ganking isn’t something the community will take lightly regardless of how justifiable it is due to the PvE Majority. There was already plenty of drama regarding ganking alone, and you already saw what happened when Dark Sealed are factored with it (plus the Tester/Mod thing)

Rage bait all you like, but please dig deeper and consider other perspective to whatever you’re rage baiting to see if its a topic you could have light drama with and have little people taking it seriously, because respectfully and bluntly, this just made you look like you’re extremely disconnected and dumb for expecting light drama when ganking has been controversial since release

But hey now you know


So, gonna voice my opinion here as a self proclaimed average player.

I have 200 ping average almost every game, as soon as I step in the dark sea ins0 range my brig gets down to 18k from 21k, no idea why I lose that much health everytime.
When stepping into ins1 a fortified brig near instantly spawns and chases my ship for millennia, I thought it was supposed to be a ketch?
My brig either gets obliterated down to 10k or I successfully get away. Around this point I may have a range of 7 to 20 chests, usually closer to the former.

Then suddenly some random whoever comes up to me, shoots my ship with weird balls of whatever stuff the guy that’s getting shot has never heard of, and dies.
Custom cannons or not it gives a pretty bad impression and players, average players, who probably won’t know a new item is in game until some YouTuber who is a tester makes a video about it, are gonna think the custom cannons are being abused with.

And also half of Roblox is toxic kids who can’t holdback whatever stuff they’re thinking.
Tbh I didn’t even know about the existence of this magic until 10 minutes ago.

Anyways play how you want :slight_smile: , we r a friendly community… I think.

Fair enough


The vast majority of the playerbase from what I can see are toxic meta mancing teenagers…

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The only way they can fulfill their edgy power fantasies and get a hit of dopamine

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Either that or people who call you one wrongly after you beat them in a 2v1 (I just like Ash&Explosion mage)

Wait until this community learns about cc games/former cc games and the specs in those :fearful:

smh my head Xael I can’t believe you play AO

i would argue that those aren’t relevant since they aren’t the game being talked about but go off ig

Nobody in the forums has ever responded even vaguely positively to people stealing bronze sealed chests, viewing it as a asshole move only the most toxic players in the community would ever be part of, and ya’ll decided to step it up and flex stealing a bunch of dark sealed chests.

Nobody except a select few were ever going to take that lightly.
What on earth did you expect?